Which certification program would you like to apply for today?


What company is this application for?

Information submitted for certification purposes will be kept in strict confidentiality.

(Company Name) seeks permission to use the “Certified Paleo” Trademark, hereinafter referred to as the logo, on the attached list of product(s).

Please provide your contact information

Information submitted for certification purposes will be kept in strict confidentiality.

Applicant Information

Company Information

Company Contact Information

Please provide your brand URL and social handles

Information submitted for certification purposes will be kept in strict confidentiality.

Please enter all products being submitted for certification

Please use one row per supplier or upload CSV for all products. Download the CSV Template to ensure products are accurately recorded.

What are your manufacturing protocols?

Note: Use of shared machinery does not automatically disqualify products from the Paleo Certification Program.

Please provide each country the products are intended to be sold

International companies, who sell products in the U.S. acquire no additional fee. An additional $500 fee may be assessed for territories outside of the US.

How many years would you like to license this certification?

What are your company’s gross annual revenues?

Licensing fees are assessed by companies’ gross annual revenues. Documentation may requested for verification.

Is this a rush order?

There is a $1000.00 dollar rush fee for companies wishing to have their products rushed through the certification process within 10 business days and a $2,000 dollar rush fee for companies with 3 business day rush orders.

Application Summary

Submitting this Paleo Certification Application does not grant authorization for the use of the logo until the application is approved.

Certifications Edit
Company Edit
Products (0) Edit
License duration Edit
Rush Fee Edit
Total Cost


Your application has been submitted and you are in the auditing process.

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