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Body Bar Protein

I (Ayarpi Reganyan) started the journey of establishing BodyBar Protein because I saw the need for a new line of protein bars with simple and clean ingredients.

I am an Autoimmune Warrior who takes pride in resetting the bar. My story goes back many years, I have a purpose and a goal for creating these protein bars which are Gluten-Free and Certified by the Paleo Foundation.

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About the Brand

My journey to developing BodyBar Protein: In 2007, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, which caused me to be in and out of the hospital, undergo many tests, and invasive procedures. I was bounced from one doctor to the next, only to hear that the reason for the inflammatory bowel disease (a.k.a. Ulcerative Colitis) was unknown. Shortly after being on steroids, I gained 30 pounds, had depression, could not leave the house, and enjoy life with my one-year-old toddler.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and began doing a lot of research. I understood that the unhealthy diet I had was contributing to my sickness. The food I was putting into my body was adding to my misery. I began to modify my diet drastically by removing processed foods, gluten, sugars, and artificial additives. With these changes in my diet, I did not require frequent trips to the hospital and was able to come off prescription steroids. People live busy, hectic lives and may not always have time for a wholesome meal, so they consume whatever is available and quick. However, “quick food” is not always nutritious.


When is the best time for me to eat a BodyBar Protein?
  • You can eat BodyBar Protein Bars at any time. It’s the perfect on-the-go protein bar for a hectic day, afternoon pick-me-up or after gym protein fill.
Can a BodyBar Protein substitute a meal for me?
  • No, meals are super important, but you can add our protein bars as a supplement to your meals. If you have specific diary restrictions, please consult with your doctor.
Do the bars have sugar in it?
  • Nope, all our bars are sweetened with Dates.
Is it healthy to eat a bar every day?
  • If you have specific diary restrictions, please consult with your doctor first. However, some people do eat protein bars daily.
Are there monthly subscriptions?
  • Not yet, but coming soon.
For those who prefer protein powder, do you consider creating a line of protein powder?
  • I have been working on this, and I will keep you posted on updates.