Interview with Base Culture’s Jordann Windschauer

From Paleo-friendly sandwich bread to almond butter brownies, Florida’s Base Culture has a wide, delicious selection of Paleo baked goods made from scratch. With a sweet tooth as strong as her bench lift, Jordann Windschauer founded Base Culture with the intention of creating amazing, Paleo-friendly products and recipes for the Paleo Community.
Jonathan: Hi Jordann, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today. Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you got started with Base Culture?
Jordann: I started this company after I graduated from USF in 2012. I joined Crossfit 813 (a Tampa-based Crossfit Gym) and soon after, participated in their Paleo challenge. Not knowing anyone at the gym I decided to participate in order to meet people. After 30 days of eating meat, vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts I felt wonderful and noticed a lifestyle change. Not only did I loose 5 inches of body fat, I increased my lifting weights, slept through the night without trouble, and had lasting energy throughout the day. I realized that it was not eating any starch, dairy, processed sugar and salt, legumes, additives, preservatives or chemicals of any kind gave my body the cleanse it was looking for.
Through this process I came up with a couple of Paleo baked good recipes for myself to enjoy. About 3 months later the gym hosted another challenge. During this challenge I offered the baked goods to the other participants as a way to solve their sweet tooth cravings without cheating off the diet. Everyone loved the food and requested that I make them a batch when I bake again. They began placing orders and paying for their products. Soon after this word of mouth began to spread and the Tampa community were placing orders on my facebook page. I would work my desk job from 8 to 5, workout from 6:30 to 7:30 and then bake into the night. Weekends were spent delivering the products.
Jonathan: When and how did you find the Paleo community?
Jordann: I met the Paleo community through my Crossfit gym. The Paleo diet is one of the suggested diet that crossfitters follow as it provides the key nutrients to support high intensity workouts. However, outside the corssfit gym, there is a strong Paleo community who believe that this way of life is the way to go. I have found this community to be extremely encouraging, supportive and inspirational during my growth with Base Culture.
Jonathan: What were some of your earliest experiences with the Paleo diet? Any tips for new converts?
Jordann: I have two tips for the Paleo newbie’s out there. One would be, get rid of all the non-Paleo food in your house. If it is there, you will eat it. The second tip is to always be prepared. Meal prep on the weekends and know what your going to eat everyday. If you get caught empty handed when hunger strikes, you will eat the first thing you get your hands one… Paleo or not.
Jonathan: What was the hardest non-Paleo food/ingredient to replace in your everyday diet? For us, it’s peanut butter.
Jordann: Its a tie between pizza and frozen yogurt. Whenever I have a cheat meal, it definitely consists of one or the other (maybe both).
Jonathan: Looking at your website (, I see a list of ingredients in one of the drop-down menus. Can you walk us through the process of how you found these ingredients?
Jordann:A lot of research and trialand error. Base Culture’s top priority is to make the highest quality products. In order to do this, the ingredients we use have to be 100% Paleo without any exceptions. Having these standards allow individuals with intolerant digestive systems or gluten allergies to enjoy baked goods and snacks without enduing any side effects or complications. This food also allows guilt free eating for healthy minded athletes.
Jonathan: Where do you want to see Base Culture in the future? Any new recipes in the works?
Jordann: We are currently working on the expansion of Base Culture to ultimately become a house hold name, through creating passion, proactivity, and positive attitudes.
Jonathan: What is your favorite Base Culture product and why? What is your customers favorite?
Jordann:My favorite product is our Almond Butter Brownie. I always have a box of those bad boys in my refrigerator at all times. This was one of the original recipes that I developed and it has always been at the top of my list. The customers favorite is the Sandwich Bread by far. We have taken a simple commodity that Paleo people have not been able to enjoy for a long time and turned it into something they can have for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Convenience is key, and being able to throw together a sandwich without breaking the diet is now an easy task to accomplish with our bread. Not to mention this allows them to have french toast, sloppy joe’s and almond butter and jelly sandwiches again!
Jonathan: Your online store looks fantastic! What’s your shipping radius?
Jordann: We ship all over America. A lot of our customers actually come from California and we are working on developing a strong base out there.
Jonathan: I’m told you are a workout nut. Would you be up for an arm-wrestling contest?
Jordann: Any day of the week! For me, working out is fun. I love to see improvements in timed workouts and gains in lifts. More then anything its a great time to spend with my friends who could not be more supportive and encouraging. My Crossfit 813 family has seen Base Culture grow from the beginning and will always be my number one fan.
Jonathan: Anything I’ve missed? Words of wisdom?
Jordann: Helping people develop their own Strong Base and Spirited Culture. That’s what we’re about.
Jonathan: Awesome. Thanks for taking the time out to speak with us Jordann.
Base Culture includes a full-line of Certified Paleo products including granolas, brownies, cookies, banana breads, sandwich breads, and mini muffins was well many other products that fit into a 50 shades of Paleo Life Program. Although Base Culture isn’t a brick and mortar bakery store, their products may be ordered online direct and shipped across the U.S.
We hope to see their sandwich bread expand into stores across the country soon.
Find Base Culture: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest
One Response
I’m looking for Base Culture Cinnamon Almond Butter but can’t find it anymore. I used to buy it at Whole Foods. Looked everywhere for it, also on line. No one seems to carry it anymore.
It’s the best almond butter ever!
Please let me know where I can buy it. Thank you.