Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies

Do you believe in Santa? I can’t be the only grown up that still believes. Yes, I know. I’ve heard it from the party poopers. Santa isn’t real. However, the Christmas spirit in me knows Santa is out their waiting to put me on the naughty list. I’m not saying I still send letters to Santa but I’m also not saying I didn’t. Just know that, those who don’t believe is on the naughty list. But afraid not! By leaving these delicious Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies out is a sure fire way to get back in St. Nick’s good graces.
Some of you might be thinking, Paleo cookies for Santa? Really? Yes, really. Maybe Santa has a gluten intolerant. You don’t know. If he does and you leave out those god forsaken box mix cookies, you might get put down on the naughty list permanently. Do you really want to risk that? To be fair, these Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies taste just like the real thing. If I sat them side by side, you will not be able to tell the difference. Whether you believe in Santa or not, Christmas is NEVER complete without cookies. Let’s get baking!
Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies:
1 Cup – Spiced Cranberry Jam (Or other Jams)
1¼ Cup – Otto’s Natural Cassava Flour
½ Cup – Organic Gemini Tigernut Flour
½ Tsp – Paleo Baking Power
2/3 Cup – Maple Sugar¹
Pinch – Salt
¾ Cup – Gold Nugget Ghee² (Room temp)
¼ Tsp – Vanilla Extract
1 – Large Pasture Raised Eggs
Zest of Half a Lemon
Sprinkling Sugar (Optional)³
Note¹: If you allow raw cane sugar, feel free to use that.
Note²: For a more buttery flavored cookie, use regular grass-fed butter
Note³: I’m 80/20 Paleo, and Christmas justifies sugar consumption!
Thumbprint Cookies Instruction:
1.) First off, let’s preheat our ovens to 350°F. Next, prepare a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
2.) In a large mixing bowl, mix together everything except for the jam and sprinkle sugar. Mix thoroughly and it doesn’t matter if you over mix as their is zero gluten to interrupt!
3.) Roll the Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies into 1 inch diameter balls. Roll the ball in sprinkled sugar and put them on the prepared cookie sheet. Space them about 2 inches apart.
4.) Once rolled, it is important to make perfect and consistent indention in the cookies. I use the back of a ½ Tsp Measuring spoon and press down about ½ an inch in the center of each ball.
5.) Fill each indention with about ¾ Tsp of jam. Pop these babies in the over for about 15 minutes and viola! There you have it, my Paleo Christmas Thumbprint Cookies and until next time, eat up my friends!